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Paul Mann’s Story

Young Paul Mann had just finished medical school when he decided to trade the irritation of contact lenses for the freedom of life-changing LASIK. This young doctor in training already knew a thing or two about the laser vision correction procedure that was taking the world by storm in the late 1990s. In fact, he was just about to start his residency training in ophthalmology at the University of Texas Medical School in Houston when he decided he was ready to See Life Better for himself.
But truthfully, Paul Mann knew of LASIK and all its capabilities even before entering medical school. His father is Mike Mann, MD, founder of Mann Eye Institute and one of the first eye surgeons in Texas to perform LASIK after it received FDA approval in 1999.
Today, Dr. Paul Mann is a board-certified ophthalmologist and works alongside his father at Mann Eye Institute, where he himself has performed tens of thousands of LASIK procedures on people living in Houston and Austin.
Here are Dr. Paul Mann’s answers to a few questions about his own LASIK experience, then, and now, more than 20 years later.
How bad was your vision before LASIK?
“I couldn’t even see the alarm clock without putting on my glasses!”
What factored into you deciding to have LASIK?
“My dad, Dr. Mike Mann, but I let him practice LASIK for four years before doing mine!”
And how quickly did your vision improve after LASIK?
“Immediately! It was an amazing moment for sure, but what I really love to point out to my patients considering LASIK is that my vision is still clear today and it’s been nearly 21 years now! That’s the most amazing part. My quality of life is greatly improved now that I do not have to deal with the hassle of glasses and contacts.”
How do you use your own LASIK experience to help people considering LASIK to feel more comfortable about going ahead with the procedure?
“I love to share my own LASIK story with patients because it’s really important for them to know that most refractive surgeons have actually had LASIK themselves. That means we understand the challenges of poor vision, the hassles of glasses and contacts and we know just how much LASIK can change lives.”
And that’s Dr. Paul Mann’s 20 Years After LASIK story. 2020 is the perfect year to discover your own 20/20 story and LASIK could help you write it. Mann Eye Institute has been a trusted LASIK leader for 42 years and counting! There’s a reason so many Texans have trusted their vision to the experts at Mann Eye Institute.
Abby’s LASIK Story
Abby knew a thing or two about the hassles of glasses and contacts. She got her first pair of glasses in the third grade when her teacher noticed her squinting to see the board. She transitioned to contacts in middle school and alternated between the two for most of her life until she made a life-changing decision three years ago.
The now 35-year old decided to have LASIK at Mann Eye Institute, and says it’s one of the best decisions she has ever made for herself. “I literally couldn’t believe the difference it made in my vision right away,” said Abby, who lives in Magnolia, Texas and works as a procurement specialist. “I work at a computer all day and I get so many fewer headaches now than I did when I was in glasses and contacts.”
Abby admits she was nervous about the whole thing; especially the lasers and the fact that it was her one and only set of eyes being operated on. “But I didn’t feel a thing!” she said. “And I couldn’t believe how quick it was. It was over in minutes.”
Abby can’t say enough about what a great job her LASIK surgeon Dr. Brian Wright and the team did in making her feel comfortable and at ease throughout the entire procedure. “They were so good to me the whole time and made me feel completely comfortable every step of the way,” she said.
Money Matters
Now that Abby is living without the hassles (and the expense) of glasses and contacts, she wishes she hadn’t waited so long to have LASIK. “It has been worth every penny for sure!” she said.
Mann Eye Institute firmly believes that better vision should be attainable for everyone and offers several convenient financing options to fit just about any budget.
Free to See!
One of Abby’s favorite things about life after LASIK is that she doesn’t have to worry about taking out her contacts, cleaning and storing them at night. “When you get home from a long day, the last thing you want to do is go through the nightly routine of taking out your contacts,” said Abby. “Now, I can just go to bed!”
Abby also loves the freedom of swimming and vacationing without having to worry about losing a contact, getting water in her eyes (ouch!) or packing all the gear that goes along with being a contact lens wearer. “We recently went to the beach and swimming in the ocean and feeling carefree was such a great feeling!” said Abby. “LASIK has improved my life in so many ways.”
The Mann Eye Difference
For 40 years, the accomplished specialists at Mann Eye Institute have been at the forefront of vision correction. Our experienced surgeons have collectively performed hundreds of thousands of LASIK procedures, helping countless people just like Abby (and just like you!) to See Life Better.
Have we seen your eyes yet? Let’s change that. Schedule your FREE LASIK consultation today.
Sarah’s LASIK Story
Life After LASIK – It’s a Whole Lot Easier Now
Sarah lives in Montgomery, Texas where she works in sales for the oil and gas industry. Her poor vision meant she was always having to deal with dirt and dust irritating her contacts or smudging up her glasses when she was out in the field visiting sites. “I even had to have prescription safety glasses,” she lamented.
Sarah’s husband Colt works in the oil and gas field, too, as an operations manager. So he spends even more time in the dirty, dusty oilfields of Texas than Sarah does. But Sarah and Colt made the life-changing decision to have LASIK at Mann Eye Institute and, well, life’s just a whole lot easier now!
“It has made a big difference for sure,” said Sarah. “Waking up in the morning and being able to see and not have to worry about feeling around for my glasses or putting in my contacts first thing is just great.” And both Sarah and Colt appreciate the convenience of not having to worry about glasses or contacts now when working out in the field.
Dr. Brian Wright performed both their LASIK procedures and the couple couldn’t be happier with their results. Sarah remembers how friendly the surgical team was and how comfortable they made her feel. “It’s just not as big a deal as you think it’s going to be,” she said. “The number of surgeries they do in a day made me realize just how experienced they really are. They played music in the surgical suite and made it all very comfortable.”
Sarah and Colt are now expecting their first child. They’re extra excited to embark on this next phase of life free from the hassles of glasses or contacts all thanks to life-changing LASIK from Mann Eye Institute.
Go With the Experts
For more than 40 years, the eye specialists at Mann Eye Institute have been at the forefront of vision correction. Our experienced surgeons have collectively performed hundreds of thousands of LASIK procedures, helping countless people just like Sarah and Colt (and just like you!) toSee Life Better.
Ready to have your own life-changing LASIK experience? Schedule your FREE, no-obligation LASIK consultation today.
Robby’s LASIK Story

When you work in oil and gas sales, you’re on the road a lot. And spend time out in the field where it’s often dusty and dirty. These job requirements can be a bit of a hassle if you wear glasses and contacts.
Just ask Houston resident Robby. The 33-year-old oil and gas sales rep is often on the road for work, traveling all over the state and even the country for his busy, hands-on job.
“Without my glasses, I literally couldn’t see a person standing five feet in front of me,” Robby said. This avid runner and outdoors lover has worn glasses since he was 10 years old, but once he became an adult, switched to contacts. “Contacts were better [than glasses], but I just got tired of wasting money and blowing through them so quickly. It just got too costly.”
Robby has known about LASIK for a long time. His dad had it back in the 1990s when LASIK was new on the vision correction scene. He’s wanted to have LASIK himself for years but it never seemed to be the ideal time.
Until now.
Robby had LASIK with us and – in just a moment – everything changed. “Wow,” Robby shared. “Life is just so much easier now in so many ways. I can honestly say the biggest regret of my life is that I didn’t do it 20 years ago.”
“It was so quick and painless, it didn’t even feel like I’d had surgery,” he marveled.
After his procedure, which was performed by Dr. Paul Mann, Robby went home and took a nap. Four hours later, he could see well enough (without glasses or contacts!) to drive himself back for his follow-up exam.
When you See Life Better, Everything is Better
“Amazing” is the best adjective Robby can think of to describe the feeling of being able to see clearly unhindered by glasses and contacts. “Everything is better,” he said. No more workout struggles due to sweat in his eyes irritating his contacts, no more falling asleep with his glasses on, only to wake and find he’d rolled over onto (and broken) another pair.
Robby found LASIK to be a great value. “But honestly, I’d pay even more to do it all over again,” he said. “It’s just that valuable to me.”
The Mann Eye Difference
For 40 years, the accomplished specialists at Mann Eye Institute have been at the forefront of vision correction. Our experienced surgeons have collectively performed hundreds of thousands of LASIK procedures, helping countless people just like Robby (and just like you!) to See Life Better.
Have we seen your eyes yet? Let’s change that. Schedule your FREE LASIK consultation today.
Brett’s LASIK Story
Life-Changing LASIK for Conroe Physical Therapist
Brett is a sports-loving physical therapist who lives in Conroe, Texas. His less-than-ideal vision meant that every morning before work, he had a less-than-ideal choice to make – glasses or contacts.
“Having to choose ‘Do I wear my glasses today or do I wear contacts?’ was basically the same as choosing ‘Do I want a headache today from my glasses or do I want dry eyes from my contacts?’” he said. “Not much of a choice.”
But in early 2019, Brett went off script and made a completely different choice. One he’d thought about for a few years and was finally ready to make a move on. Brett decided to have LASIK at Mann Eye Institute. “It was a few years of thinking about it, but once I made that decision, it was life-changing.”
Best Choice Ever!
Today, Brett couldn’t be happier with his choice. In fact, he says his vision after LASIK is even better than it was when wearing his corrective eyewear before LASIK. He’s equally glad he chose Mann Eye Institute for his LASIK procedure. “From the front desk staff to the surgical team, everyone was super professional and helpful,” he said. “I always knew exactly what was going on and they put me completely at ease about it all. It was truly a great experience and I would recommend it 100 percent.”
From enjoying a game of basketball or a dip in the pool to his work with his patients, everything Brett does is made easier with improved vision without the hassles of glasses and contacts. “Not having to worry about putting in contacts or putting on my glasses in the morning is wonderful!” said Brett. “I can just get up and go!”
Working in patient care and not having to worry about glasses and contacts anymore allows Brett to put all his time and energy into focusing on the wellbeing of his patients and their treatment. “It’s just one less distraction that I believe enables me to be a better clinician,” he said.
The Mann Eye Difference
For more than 40 years, the accomplished specialists at Mann Eye Institute have been at the forefront of vision correction. Our experienced surgeons have collectively performed hundreds of thousands of LASIK procedures, helping countless people just like Brett (and just like you!) to See Life Better.
Have we seen your eyes yet? Let’s change that. Schedule your FREE LASIK consultation today.