Cataract Awareness Month

Posted by: Mann Eye in Cataracts, Eye Health, News and Events

June is Cataract Awareness Month! At Mann Eye Institute, we want to make sure your eyes are happy and healthy well into your golden years. That’s why we’re offering Free Cataract Screenings to patients during the month of June. If you’re concerned cataracts might be affecting your day-to-day life or you have questions about when […]

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Keep Your Sunglasses ON This Summer

Posted by: Mann Eye in Eye Health

The Texas heat is back in full swing, and the sun is bearing down on us… again! On top of staying cool, sun safety should be a top priority this season. July is UV Safety Month, and just like it’s important to wear sunscreen every day to protect your skin from damaging UV radiation, at […]

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Healthy Vision Month

Posted by: Mann Eye in News and Events

Happy Healthy Vision Month from Mann Eye Institute! For the month of May, we want to make sure you are informed about the preventative measures you can take to maximize your visual health as long as possible into your mid-age and senior years. Get ahead and stay ahead Staying up-to-date with medical eye exams is […]

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Parenting can be Tough Seeing Should be Easy

Posted by: Mann Eye in LASIK, Testimonials

Read Time: min Parents have a lot to worry about…kids, schedules, jobs, mortgages, bills, homework, running a household, managing screen time, grocery shopping and preparing meals. And that’s just on Monday. So any extra frustrations are just that – frustrating! If you wear glasses or contacts, you know how frustrating that can be… Straining to […]

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The High Cost of Cheap LASIK

Posted by: Mann Eye in LASIK

Remember the old adage “you get what you pay for”? Well, it might be old but it’s certainly true. And when it comes to the care of your eyes, quality matters. After all, you only get one set of eyes, so it’s vitally important to take care of them, making sure they are healthy and […]

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