Posted by: Mann Eye in Eye Health

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness among older Americans, but new treatments have dramatically changed the course of this disease over the last decade, making living with AMD more manageable than ever before.

At Mann Eye Institute, during AMD Awareness Month in February, we are reminding people with AMD that they can save their vision thanks to recent treatment advances, but early detection is still a critical first step.

All About Macular Degeneration

AMD is a genetic eye disease that is associated with aging. With AMD, the central portion of the retina, called the macula, deteriorates. It affects your central vision and can have a negative impact on everyday activities, like driving, reading and even recognizing faces.

Millions of people are diagnosed with AMD each year. A comprehensive eye exam with a board-certified ophthalmologist like the ones here at Mann Eye Institute is the right place to start if you are concerned about this condition. Our experienced retina specialist is here to guide you through managing this sight-stealing condition.

There are two types of AMD: dry and wet. Dry AMD is by far the most common type, accounting for about 90% of AMD cases diagnosed. Our board-certified ophthalmologists have extensive experience in dealing with both types.

“Macular degeneration is irreversible, so people who are at risk for age-related eye disorders need to be diligent about their eye care.”

Amir Mohsenin, MD, PhD

Risk Factors for AMD

The primary risk factor for AMD is age – the older you are, the greater your risk. Also, people with a family history of AMD are at higher risk, as are women and people of European descent.

Some additional lifestyle factors can increase your risk for developing AMD:

  • Cigarette smoking
  • Obesity
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Excessive sun exposure
  • Diet deficient in fruits and vegetables

How is AMD Treated?

Treatment for dry AMD begins with routine eye exams with your eye doctor, especially after age 60, with the goal of early detection. If detected, we may prescribe a specific mix of zinc and antioxidants to help in slowing the progression of the disease.
Treatment for wet AMD can include a number of options, such as intravitreal injections that inhibit the growth of the abnormal blood vessels that cause the retina to swell and vision to become blurred or distorted.

Trust the Experts at Mann Eye

Have you met Dr. Amir Mohsenin? If you have AMD or believe you’re at risk for developing it, you need to! Dr. Mohsenin specializes in the medical and surgical management of diseases of the retina and vitreous, including macular degeneration.

In fact, Dr. Mohsenin has a special interest in AMD. He previously served as an Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology at UT Health, where he trained numerous medical students and ophthalmology residents. In addition to taking care of patients while at UT Health, Dr. Mohsenin was awarded a $1 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to develop new therapies for macular degeneration.

At Mann Eye, we want our patients to enjoy a high quality of life while managing their AMD. Schedule a comprehensive eye exam at Mann Eye today to protect yourself from preventable vision loss.