Posted by: Mann Eye in Eye Health

Winter in the Southern part of Texas can be…well, just plain weird. One day you’re sunning in the perfect 70-degree weather walking the dog and the next day you’re chillin’—not in a good way—when the weather drops to a frigid 35 degrees. And hovers there for a week. The nerve of Mother Nature!

No, this is not a lesson in climate change. We are here to talk about your eyes—dry eyes to be specific—and how cold weather and windy conditions adversely impact winter’s effect on the eyes.

Common dry eye symptoms, which usually affect both eyes, may include:

  • Aching
  • Burning or scratchy sensation
  • Excessive dryness
  • Grittiness
  • Redness
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Trouble with night driving
  • General eye fatigue

Basically, your eyes can’t keep produce the amount of tears needed to keep you comfortable, especially in winter conditions. On top of that, staying indoors with the heat on lowers humidity, another factor in dry eye. People tend to drink less water in winter months, thus adding to the problem.

Need a few home remedies for winter dry eyes?

  • Buy a humidifier to keep moisture in the air
  • Use over-the-counter artificial tears
  • Wear sunglasses—yes sunglasses or goggles—to protect your eyes from windy skies and glare that occur from brightness in the event of sleet, snow or ice
  • Stay hydrated in all weather conditions

What About Dry Eyes Year-Round?

Say goodbye to Houston and Austin dry eye in any weather condition. More than 100 million people worldwide suffer from chronic and super-annoying dry eyes. In addition to weather-related dry and cold spells, there may be another culprit messing with your eyes.

Experts agree that doing near work on computers, crosswords, smartphones and video games can be blamed for much of the increase in dry eye symptoms. These types of activities interfere with quality and quantity of blinks, which means not enough natural tears, resulting in dry eyes.

Just because dry eye is common does not mean you have to live with it! At Mann Eye Institute, we have an Ocular Surface Treatment Center dedicated to help you kick dry eye to the curb. Well, at least curb the symptoms and effects of persistent dry eyes.

Since dry eye symptoms are closely related to those of allergies, infections and more, it’s important to determine if what you’re experiencing is in fact, dry eye. To do that, a Mann Eye specialist will perform a series of thorough diagnostic tests to evaluate your unique ocular surface condition. Upon concluding the full assessment of what is causing your dry eyes and the severity of your case, we can recommend a custom dry eye treatment plan to say goodbye to dry eye.

LipiFlow System

Mann Eye Institute is dedicated to helping patients like you See Life Better through customized treatment plans, one of them being the revolutionary LipiFlow System which attacks the root cause of evaporative dry eye. LipiFlow treatment addresses this most common form of dry eye by unblocking the Meibomian glands that secrete oily lipids.

Think of LipiFlow as a massage for suffering dry eyes. LipiFlow uses heat and gentle movement to loosen up the glands on the rim of your eyelid that help keep your tears from evaporating. When they’re free and clear, they’re able to function properly to keep more tears on your eye’s surface.

The LipiFlow System is a non-invasive, in-office treatment that takes only minutes to complete for each eye. Many patients report a noticeable improvement in the days following the LipiFlow treatment, with relief continuing to improve 3 to 4 weeks following the procedure.

Mann Eye Institute is at the forefront of research and development in comprehensive eye care, and their experienced doctors offer other fantastic options to treat dry eyes. Schedule an appointment today for a free consultation to discuss your best dry eye solution in winter and year-round.