What is Myopia? Can LASIK Fix it?

Posted by: Mann Eye in LASIK, Uncategorized

The short answer is yes. Myopia is the medical term for nearsightedness. People with nearsightedness can see nearby objects clearly, but far away objects appear blurry. Myopia is caused when the cornea is not shaped properly. Common “mis-shapes” include the eye being too long, or the cornea being too curved. When light enters the eye […]

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Three Reasons NOT to Put off LASIK This Summer

Posted by: Mann Eye in LASIK, Uncategorized

Studies show that fewer people have laser eye surgery in the summer than in other seasons. The reasons why vary – people’s schedules fill up quickly with vacations, spending time outdoors with friends and families. But if you think about it, summer may actually be the best time to have laser eye surgery. Here are […]

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Senior Vision: 9 Tips for Safe Driving

Posted by: Mann Eye in Advice, Cataracts, Uncategorized

Aging is inevitable, and change is a part of aging. For seniors, staying safe while driving can be a challenge. Changes in vision or hearing can cause problems, and reaction times may slow. Fortunately, seniors can make driving safer by following these nine tips. 1. Avoid Driving During Twilight or at Night. If seniors have […]

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4 GROSS Mistakes Contact Lens Wearers Make

Posted by: Mann Eye in Eye Health, Uncategorized

If you wear contact lenses, you may recall when you first started wearing them, you were made aware of a few associated health hazards. After all, contacts ARE foreign objects in your eye. Unfortunately, not all contact wearers heed their doctor’s instructions about the dangers of wearing contacts too long or not cleaning them frequently […]

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LASIK in the Modern World

Posted by: Mann Eye in LASIK, Uncategorized

While LASIK has been around for quite a while now, many people still hold misconceptions of the procedure that were instilled years ago. Today’s LASIK vision correction technologies are much safer and more effective than in the procedure’s “early days” of the 1990s. When introduced, it was more common for patients who had LASIK to […]

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Common Causes of Cataracts

Posted by: Mann Eye in Cataracts, Uncategorized

Cataracts refer to the cloudy occlusion of the eye’s natural lens. Although cataracts occur most often in the elderly, anyone, at any age, can develop a cataract. What Causes a Cataract to Form? Just behind the colored part of the eye (the iris), rests the lens. The lens focuses incoming light into a distinct, sharp […]

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