Posted by: Mann Eye in LASIK

There’s a common misconception many people have surrounding a very important aspect of LASIK: recovery time. When we talk to people here at Mann Eye Institute in their free LASIK consultation, a common assumption is that there is some degree of recovery time needed after having LASIK. We get many questions about it and many go like this:

How much time do I need to take off work after my LASIK procedure?
How long until I can drive again after LASIK?
I’ve been saving my vacation time so I can have LASIK!

And here is what we say to that.

Modern LASIK has very little downtime and most of our patients drive themselves to their post-op appointment the next day!

In fact, the majority of our LASIK patients report excellent vision within 24 hours of their surgery! Now, that’s exciting! Most people are able to return to work and many normal activities the very next day. You will have a follow-up appointment at Mann Eye Institute the day after your procedure for a quick post-op check. Any issues or questions you have will be addressed at that time.

To the statement, LASIK has a long recovery, FALSE!

Note: Although many of our patients wake up the next day with 20/20 vision, it is normal for some patients (those who have stronger prescriptions) to take a little more time for their eyes to adjust and heal completely.

Due to the Pandemic, It’s Not a Good Time to Have LASIK: True or False?

Another common misconception is that the COVID-19 pandemic makes it a bad time to have LASIK. Let’s just talk about it.

Advances in technology have made what is already a safe and successful eye procedure safer than ever. Of course, no surgery is without risks, but LASIK enjoys an impressive track record.

LASIK is the most popular form of vision correction surgery in the world! It’s generally very safe and effective with very few side effects or downtime. From our state-of-the-art laser platforms and diagnostic tools to the experience of our surgeons, there’s never been a better time in history to have laser vision correction at Mann Eye Institute than today.

At Mann Eye Institute, we are pleased to perform all LASIK procedures in the comfort and safety of our on-site laser suites. Our LASIK suites in Houston and Austin have always been safe and clean places, and we’re taking additional measures during this time.

To the statement, Due to the pandemic, it’s not a good time to have LASIK, FALSE!

Still Think You Don’t Have Time to Have LASIK?

So, if you’ve been thinking you don’t have time to have LASIK, think again! The consultation takes about two hours in total. For the actual procedure, you’ll be in the office for about an hour and then be instructed to nape for a few hours. And who doesn’t enjoy a no-guilt-midday-doctor-ordered nap?!

Most of our patients are seeing clearly the next day and many, many, many years later…just ask Paul Mann about his own experience. So what else can you accomplish in about 8 total hours and enjoy the fruits of for years to come? Not much!

See Life Better with LASIK at Mann Eye

No matter what the future holds, no matter what the rest of this crazy year holds, we want you to see it better, with the vision you deserve, unhindered by the hassles of glasses and contacts.

Please know that at Mann Eye Institute, your health and wellbeing are vitally important to us. Especially at this time, we are taking every precaution necessary and watching national, state and local orders closely.

If we may serve you at this time, we’d be honored. Schedule your FREE, no-obligation LASIK evaluation today.