Ask the Experts: LASIK

Posted by: Mann Eye in Ask The Experts, LASIK

By Dr. Luke Barker Is LASIK safe? When considering any surgery, it is advisable to do your research on the topic and prepare yourself for the evaluation. If you’re considering LASIK, ask friends and family who’ve had the procedure. Consult reputable online resources. Research surgeons and laser technology. Understand the pros and cons of having […]

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Healthy Eyes, Healthy Life!

Posted by: Mann Eye in Cataracts, Eye Health, LASIK

May is Healthy Vision Month Maybe you’ve heard the old adage “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”? Well, we’re not here to weigh in on your sleeping schedule. That’s your business! We’re an eye care practice, so we’ll stay in our lane. But here’s one thing we are […]

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21 reasons to have LASIK in 2021 brought to you by Mann Eye Institute

Posted by: Mann Eye in LASIK

If you’ve ever thought about having LASIK, you’re not alone. Freedom from the hassles of glasses and contacts is something many people think about daily! According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), LASIK is the world’s most popular elective procedure and more than 28 million LASIK procedures have been performed worldwide. Wow! That’s a […]

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Why You Should Shop Local For Your LASIK

Posted by: Mann Eye in LASIK

LASIK is a huge decision. After all, you only have one set of eyes and they need to last you a lifetime! But once you’ve said YES! to LASIK and decided you want to enjoy visual freedom without the hassles of glasses and contacts, the next important decision is who you will trust to perform […]

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LASIK at Mann Eye CAN Change Your Life

Posted by: Mann Eye in LASIK

Listen, 2020. We’re tired of you telling us what we can’t do. We can’t go to concerts, festivals or many major sporting events. We can’t take that much-anticipated trip to Europe. And we can’t go anywhere without a face mask! The world health pandemic has affected different people in different ways. Some people have faced […]

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LASIK Technology and Why it Matters

Posted by: Mann Eye in LASIK

LASIK has been around long enough that it’s easy to assume it’s a one-size-fits-all procedure, and that it’s the same no matter where you go. Not true! LASIK has gone through some major upgrades over the years, and you’d be doing yourself a disservice to get anything less than the best (these are your eyes […]

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